08 February 2015

5 Causes of Your Back Pain

I have had experienced my back pain several months after an accidental fall (few years back, I slipped off and fell down the stairs). My condition ended up to a slipped or herniated disc due to my ignorance and my casual outlook towards it. I have never imagined that it will get so severe.

Diagnosis and proper treatment for a back pain is quite complex and difficult to catch. The factors contributing to a back pain is endless. It is possible that treatment may vary from person to person for the similar condition.

The idea behind this post is to enlighten individuals going through this condition to identify the possible reasons behind their back pain. Accordingly, one can follow the tips that have been mentioned in my first post or seek expert advice depending upon the severity of pain.

Causes of a Back Pain

Following are some common as well as rare causes of a back pain:

1.Injuries Due to Accidents or Fractures: Spinal injuries which cause sprain (tearing of ligaments supporting the spine) due to improper twisting and inappropriate way of lifting objects from the ground or fractures (due to bone related diseases such as osteoporosis which makes the bones weak and fragile).

2. Mechanical Complications: Dislocation of inter-vertebral discs (breakdown due to growing age). Wearing down of facet joints (large joints inter connecting vertebrae). Other mechanical complications causing a back pain are spasms, herniated discs, muscle tension, sitting postures etc.

3. Medical Complications: like various forms of arthritis (osteo or rheumatoid arthritis), spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis) related to the spines, spinal stenosis (a condition of the spinal column that narrows it and exerts pressure on our spinal cord and nerves). Kidney stone, endometriosis (development of uterine tissue in places outside the uterus), fibromyalgia (a condition which causes fatigue and muscle pain), obesity and even pregnancy.
4. Certain Infections and Tumours:  Some tumours and infections related to the vertebrae can cause a back pain, although they are very rare. Osteomyelitis (a rare but chronic condition of the bones caused either by infection in the blood spreading to the bones or through open injuries, fractures or surgeries), chronic conditions likes diabetes might lead to this condition. Tumors which originated in the back due to cancer that got spread from other parts of the body.
5. Stress: The above mentioned are the physical causes. The one vital fact one should know is that stress (emotional) plays a major role to determine how intense the pain is and how long it can last. Stress makes the pain more severe and at times unbearable for the sufferer. Depression and anxiety if ignored and untreated can make the pain worse.
Insomnia (lack of quality sleep) also contributes to a back pain. Hope this post was helpful for you to know about the causes for a back pain. If I have missed out any other causes then do share them. Until then wait for my next post. Enjoy your weekend! Keep well!

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