26 February 2015

7 Best Home Remedies for Abdominal Bloating (Distention) in Children

Worried about your child's abdominal bloating? Abdominal bloating is a common health problem experienced by children of all ages when stomach gas doesn't pass properly through flatulence or belching due to indigestion, stomach infection, lactose intolerance or food allergies. It is a difficult problem for your child as well as you as a mother.
My son had experienced stomach cramp for the first time as a 3 month old infant due to lactose intolerance ( he was bottle fed as a 3 month old infant, since he stopped breast feeding even after endless efforts to breast feed him). 
The thought of those sleepless nights I have had experienced along with him as he cried due to the stomach cramps is scary and painful (it is painful and very disturbing to see your playful child going through pain and discomfort). Frequent visits to the Pediatrician were made for sometime to help him get out of this problem.
Children especially infants and toddlers are sensitive to their environment, overstimulation can lead to distress which may further lead to stomach problems. There are several treatment for abdominal bloating in children which depends upon the causes. Get to know the symptoms of abdominal bloating in your child:

  1. Tightness or distended stomach
  2. Stomach Cramp
  3. Loss of Appetite
  4. Inability to eat
  5. Difficulty to Pass Stool
  6. Curling up and pulling their leg into the stomach due to stomach pain
You can make use of any of the following commonly found items in your kitchen as home remedies and help your child get relief from abdominal bloating.

1. Fennel (Saunf) Tea

In India, it is a tradition to chew few fennel seeds after a heavy meal. Dried organic fennel seeds help relax the gastrointestinal tracts and relieve abdominal bloating. This is due to the compound anethole present in fennel seeds which can cure inflammation of the intestinal lining and give relief from stomach pain. You can give your child some fennel seeds to chew or else give fennel tea as a home remedy for abdominal bloating.
1 tsp of organic dried fennel seeds
1 cup hot boiling water
Method to Prepare Fennel Tea:
Put the fennel seeds into a cup and pour hot boiling water over them. Cover and leave aside for about 5 minutes. Strain it and ask your child to sip it hot if your child is adapted to sipping hot liquid or else ask to sip when warm. It will relief the abdominal bloating in some time.
My son who is 7  year old now, prefer chewing the fennel seeds to sipping the fennel tea after a heavy meal.

2. Ginger Root Tea

Ginger root is another herb that can help ease nausea, troubled stomach caused by indigestion and abdominal bloating. 2 components gingerol and shogaols does this wonder by relaxing the intestinal tract and ease distention or abdominal bloating.Ginger root acts as a carminative (agent relieving stomach pain) by preventing gas formation or help expel gas. Ginger root tea is another wonderful home remedy for abdominal bloating in children.
A quarter tsp of grated raw ginger root
1/2 cup hot boiling water
Fresh Lemon juice or honey
Method for Ginger Root Tea:
Put the grated ginger root in a cup. Add some fresh lemon juice or honey if you want. Pour the boiling water into the cup. Cover and keep it aside for 4-5 minutes. Strain the ginger root tea and give it to your child before or after a meal for gas relief caused by abdominal bloating.
Note: Ginger root tea is not advisable for children under 2 years of age. Honey should not be given to infants below 1 year of age.

3. Peppermint (Pudina)

Peppermint tea made with peppermint tea bags or fresh leaves is another home remedy that can give your toddler or young child quick relief from a stomach cramp and abdominal bloating.
1 peppermint tea bag or few fresh peppermint leaves
1 cup of hot boiling water
Method to Prepare Peppermint Tea:
Put the tea bag or the peppermint leaves in a cup. Pour hot boiling water into the cup. Keep aside for 4-5 minutes. Strain it and give it to your child. If your child doesn't like peppermint tea you can give peppermint candy as a substitute.
Note: Under 6 months old toddlers should not be given peppermint tea. Consult the Pediatrician for the right age to give peppermint tea.
4. Warm Water and Lime Juice

1 tsp of fresh lime juice
1/2 glass of warm water
A pick of black salt
Method to Prepare Warm Water and Lime Juice:
Mix the lime juice with warm water and add black salt to it. Give this juice to your child at least 3 times a day for relief from abdominal bloating and stomach cramp.
My son loves his fresh lime juice. An easy home remedy since you always have fresh lime in your vegetable basket.
5. Chamomile (Babune ka Phool) Tea

The anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile help do away with gas, abdominal bloating and stomach ache. Cure your child's problem of abdominal bloating with this simple home remedy.
1 chamomile tea bag
1 small cup of hot boiled water
Honey or lemon juice
Method to Prepare Chamomile Tea
Put the tea bag in a cup and pour the hot boiled water over it. Keep it aside and let it steep for 4-5 minutes. Squeeze the tea bag properly. Add honey or squeeze some fresh lime juice into it. Let your child sip it when luke warm or hot (bearable). This will cure your child's abdominal bloating.
Note: Children below 6 months of age who are being breast fed, should not be given any of these herbal teas instead, lactating mothers can sip any of them 2-3 times a day. Also chamomile tea is not recommended, if your child is allergic to ragweed or similar plants.
6. Asafoetida (Hing)
Asafoetida or Hing in Indian Ayurveda is useful to ease digestion, cure colic and stagnation in the gastrointestinal tract due to abdominal bloating too.
A piece of asafoetida
1 cup of water
A piece of cloth
Method to Prepare Asafoetida Fomentation:
Dissolve the asafoetida (hing) in the water. Soak the cloth in the solution and use it as a fomentation on your child's stomach to soothe the stomach cramp and abdominal bloating. I make use of this home remedy personally whenever my son experiences a severe stomach cramp. The distention or bloating gets cured after some time.

7. Hot or Warm Water

This is the simplest among all home remedies for abdominal bloating in children. Let your child sip hot (as hot as they can) or luke warm water. I give warm water to my son to drink, when he experience a stomach ache or abdominal bloating before I start with other treatment. Half a cup is more than enough.
Note: Children under 6 months of age don't require consumption of any supplemental water or juice apart from breast milk or formula.

These are the best home remedies which can ease abdominal bloating experienced by your children. Apart from these home remedies avoid giving unhealthy food such as:
processed food
spicy food
fried food
junk food to your children
Brussels Sprouts
Most dairy products
Refined sugar
These foods causes abdominal bloating and gas in infants, toddlers and young children.
Note: Avoid intake of such food if you are a lactating mother.

If your child is under medication, consult his/her Pediatrician before trying and giving any of these home remedies. Like drugs, herbal remedies too can be toxic and react when given with other medications.

Did I miss out with any other home remedies for abdominal bloating in children?Then do share them in the comments below. Until the next post stay well!

19 February 2015

6 Food That Can Be Harmful for Your Skin With Excessive Intake

Ever heard the saying “You are what you eat”? Are you among those who prefer wearing anti-aging creams, skin nourishment creams, applying face pack rather than including a healthy diet? Remember! What goes inside your body plays an important role in keeping your skin healthy apart from your topical skin care regime. Eating the right food has a positive impact on your skin and including the wrong ones in your diet can have a negative impact on your skin.
Apart from alcohol, coffee, junk food, aerated drinks and artificially sweetened juices there are other food whose excessive intake or consumption can be harmful for your skin and can cause damage to your skin. Eager to know their names?. Then check out the list of 6 such food and the reason why too much of these food are harmful for your skin.
1. Salt: Too much of salt is bad and harmful to your heart, this is a well known fact. Are you aware of the fact that excessive salt can cause puffiness of eyes and facial bloating as well? If no, then it is time to reduce the salt intake.

2. Agave: Considered as a good alternative to sugar, this sweet syrup extracted from several types of agave plants has more fructose than fructose level in corn syrup. Fructose metabolized by your liver not only turns into fat but also breaks down collagen more efficiently than your regular table sugar. Thus avoid its excessive intake or consumption. Also experts said that switching to agave from regular sugar might make crow’s feet more prominent (image for crow's feet below).

3. Dairy: Another food which is harmful for your skin is dairy product. Not willing to accept this fact? Then get to know this piece of information. Over consumption or excessive intake of dairy products may increase acne and also cause increase in sebum (a substance that can cause clogged pore in many people). Dairy product can also form mucus in the body, which can cause inflammation of your skin and attract bacteria.

4. Margarine: Fats are essential for maintaining a healthy skin. But do you know this? Not all fats are good for your skin. Trans fats found in margarine very often may block hydration. According to a study in the” Journal of the American College of Nutrition”, higher intake of margarine causes more of skin wrinkling. This makes margarine a harmful food for your skin with its excessive intake.

5. Shellfish: Excessive intake of iodine rich food such as crab, shrimp, and lobster can also lead to the problem of acne. However, consumption of such food in normal level may not be a problem and will do no harm to your skin. Eating shellfish frequently and excessively is bad and harmful.

6. Rice Cakes: Once considered as the best way to reduce excessive body fat by health conscious women, it is now known that rice cakes can cause an increase to the blood sugar level in your body, which can also speed up wrinkle formation. Your body converts the simple carbohydrates present in the rice cakes to glucose like it does to sugar. Once metabolized, they stick to wrinkle-fighting protein like collagen and damage them, thus excessive intake of rice cakes too are harmful and bad for your skin.

After reading this post you might conclude that eating anything is harmful and more than that excessive intake of anything is bad for your skin, but the secret to a healthy and beautiful skin is to eat fresh and healthy food, and follow a balanced diet. Please feel free to share information on other unhealthy food that are harmful to your skin and over consumption of which should be avoided apart from the 6 food listed above. You can share your knowledge in the comment section below. Until my next post. Keep well!

18 February 2015

6 Best Home Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

Time for that day of the month. Are you scared at the very thought of those painful, throbbing menstrual cramps that causes stress and anxiety and affects your work and daily activities?
Though conventional medicine has a range of pain relieving medications yet some of them can affect your health and lead to various complicated health ailments.
So instead of popping up some painkiller why not try these home remedies meant to reduce your menstrual cramps with ingredients already available in your kitchen cabinet and kitchen garden.
1.Fennel Seed Tea. The anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of fennel seed is believed to ease the muscles around the uterus, which relieves menstrual cramps and discomfort.

1 tsp of fennel seeds
1 cup water
1 tsp honey
Add the fennel seeds to a cup of boiling water. Boil on a low flame for 5 minutes. Remove and strain it. Add honey and mix well. Drink the tea twice a day continuously for 3 days prior to your first day of menstrual cycle. Drink as required to ease the pain. For best result drink it hot.

2. Chamomile Tea. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea mixed with a few tsp of honey or lemon juice also help ease menstrual cramps and discomfort.The anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile tea helps ease uterus muscles and contractions causing menstrual cramps.

1 cup water
1 chamomile tea bag
Honey or lemon
To a cup of hot boiled water, put the tea bag. Now cover and allow it to stand for around 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the tea bag and squeeze it out. Add lemon juice or honey as desired. 2 cups of this herbal tea a day for a week before your menstrual cycle will help you cope with the menstrual cramps.

3. Ginger, Lemon, Honey Tea. Ginger is an excellent herb to deal with painful menstrual cramps. When combined and had with lemon and honey, makes an excellent pain reliever.

A small piece of ginger
1 cup of water
Grate the ginger and boil it in water for about 5 minutes. Strain the tea. Add a little lemon juice and honey to it as desired. Drink this herbal tea thrice daily when you are having your cycle to reduce your menstrual cramps.
You can also savour some ginger candies instead of this herbal tea if you aren't fond of herbal tea.

4. Aloe Vera, Honey Juice. Aloe vera juice combined with honey is also considered one of the best natural cure for menstrual cramps. Fresh aloe vera juice helps reduce the intensity of cramps and pain. It is considered as a natural source of vitamins and minerals, it increases blood supply. 

4 oz. (8 tbsp) fresh aloe vera juice
1 tbsp honey
4 oz (1/2 cup) of water
Mix the aloe vera juice, honey and water properly to make an ounce glass of juice. Drink this juice 2 times a day once in the morning and once in the evening.

5. Indian Holy Basil (Tulsi) Tea. The Indian holy basil or tulsi is another effective herb for easing menstrual cramps and pain. Caffeic acid present in basil has analgesic (pain killing) properties.

1 tbsp basil leaves
1 cup of water
To a cup of boiling water add a tbsp of basil leaves. Cover and allow to cool it. Drink this tea every few hours to ease menstrual cramps.
Or crush a handful of fresh basil leaves and extract the juice. To a cup of warm water add 2 tsp of this juice. Consume 3 times a day when you experience menstrual cramps. Or else you can simply chew some fresh leaves to ease your menstrual cramps.

6. Cinnamon Tea. Another wonder herb easily in stock in your kitchen cabinet is cinnamon. Cinnamon is known for its anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus considered among the best home remedies to cure menstrual cramps.

1/4th tsp of cinnamon powder
1 cup of water
Take 1/4th tsp of cinnamon powder and mix it in a cup of hot water. Let it sit. Mix some honey and sip the tea slowly. Drink 2-3 cups of this herbal tea a day or two before your period date.
You can even have a combination of a part of 1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder mixed with a tbsp of honey mixed in a glass of warm water. Drinking this thrice on the very first day of your period can help reduce menstrual cramps.

Apart from these home remedies rest as much as you can. Light exercises, hot compress on your lower abdomen and meditation can help you deal with stress caused by menstrual cramps. How do you cure your menstrual cramps? If you know more home remedies for menstrual cramps, don't hesitate to share those much needed information. Until the next post. Stay fit! Keep well!

15 February 2015

5 Exercises and Stretches for Hand, Wrist, Fingers

Do you experience stiffness or pain in your hand, wrist or fingers when you are working, like - typing on the desktop keyboard or laptop keypad or writing with a pen or texting using your mobile keypad? Only the right type of exercises and stretches can help you deal with them.
Specialists will suggest exercises depending upon the condition and intensity of pain. Exercises and stretches that are meant for the hand, wrist and fingers strengthen muscles around the joint to help endure the pain.
Below are 5 simple hand-wrist-finger exercises and stretches. The exercises should be done slowly, deliberately to avoid any kind of pain and injury. Being simple and easy, they can be done any time and any where, whether you are at work or watching your favorite movie or your favorite sport at home.
1. Make a Gentle Fist Exercise
Hand-wrist-finger exercises can help in strengthening your hand-wrist-finger, relief you from pain, increase the range of motion of your hand-wrist-fingers, stretch only until you feel tightness. It shouldn't be painful. You can start with this exercise initially which is meant to reduce pain in the fingers and improve mobility:
  • Hold your hand out, with the palm facing you (fig.a).
  • Wrapping your thumb across the fingers, make a gentle fist (fig.b).
  • Hold in the position for at least 30-60 seconds. Release and spread your fingers wide.

  • Repeat this with both hands at least 4 times.
2. Claw Stretch
The following exercise or hand stretch is helpful to improve mobility of your fingers.
  • Hold your hand out, with your palm facing you (no.1).
  • Bend the fingertips down, so that they touch the base of each finger joint. The hand should resemble a claw as shown below (no.2):
  • Hold on in this position for 30 to 60 seconds and release. Repeat this stretch for at least four times on each hand.
Note: Initially start holding in this position for only 30 seconds.
3. Finger Lift Exercise
This exercise is helpful to increase and improve the mobility and flexibility of the fingers.
  • With your palm facing down, put one hand flat on a table or any flat surface or on the knees.
  • Now gently lift each finger off the table and lower them one at a time, as shown below (fig.1 to 5):

  • You can also lift all your fingers and thumb at once, and then lower as shown above (fig.no. 6).
  • You can repeat it 8 to 12 times on each hand.
4. Thumb Stretches
You can try these stretches, that works well for the thumb joints: 

  • Gently bend the tip of your thumb towards your index finger so that it touches the tip of the index finger (fig no.1) as shown above, hold on for 30 seconds. Release gently.
  • Hold your hand out, palm facing you (fig no.2). 
  • Gently bend the tip of your thumb down toward the base of your index finger (fig.no 3). 
  • Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Release gently. Repeat 4 times with both thumbs.
5. Wrist Ulnar and Radial Deviation
Wrist ulnar deviation which is also known as ulnar flexion and radial deviation also known as radial flexion are exercises that improves the mobility of the wrist. They can be done as you type, write or even talk over the phone.
  • With the help of a towel (rolled-up for padding) support your fore-arm on a table top or any flat surface or on your knee, with your thumb upward. 
  • Now gently move the wrist up and down as shown below, through full range of motion: 

  • Do this 10 times for both way (up and down).
Tip: Before you start with any of these exercises or stretches the best tip is to put both hands in a tub of hot water (bearable temperature). This will help relax the muscles and relieve your hand, wrist and fingers from stiffness.
These simple hand, wrist, finger exercises and stretches are self-tested and done regularly whenever required, with short break in between writing work, since writing everyday requires typing on the keypad and clicking of the mouse. 
However, if the condition of your hand, wrist or finger is painful or debilitating or your are suffering from chronic pain due to some complicated joint related ailment, it’s best to get exercise advice from an expert. If you feel numbness or pain during or after exercising, stop and contact your doctor. If you have some more exercises and stretches for hand, wrist and fingers, do share them. Until then stay well!

08 February 2015

5 Causes of Your Back Pain

I have had experienced my back pain several months after an accidental fall (few years back, I slipped off and fell down the stairs). My condition ended up to a slipped or herniated disc due to my ignorance and my casual outlook towards it. I have never imagined that it will get so severe.

Diagnosis and proper treatment for a back pain is quite complex and difficult to catch. The factors contributing to a back pain is endless. It is possible that treatment may vary from person to person for the similar condition.

The idea behind this post is to enlighten individuals going through this condition to identify the possible reasons behind their back pain. Accordingly, one can follow the tips that have been mentioned in my first post or seek expert advice depending upon the severity of pain.

Causes of a Back Pain

Following are some common as well as rare causes of a back pain:

1.Injuries Due to Accidents or Fractures: Spinal injuries which cause sprain (tearing of ligaments supporting the spine) due to improper twisting and inappropriate way of lifting objects from the ground or fractures (due to bone related diseases such as osteoporosis which makes the bones weak and fragile).

2. Mechanical Complications: Dislocation of inter-vertebral discs (breakdown due to growing age). Wearing down of facet joints (large joints inter connecting vertebrae). Other mechanical complications causing a back pain are spasms, herniated discs, muscle tension, sitting postures etc.

3. Medical Complications: like various forms of arthritis (osteo or rheumatoid arthritis), spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis) related to the spines, spinal stenosis (a condition of the spinal column that narrows it and exerts pressure on our spinal cord and nerves). Kidney stone, endometriosis (development of uterine tissue in places outside the uterus), fibromyalgia (a condition which causes fatigue and muscle pain), obesity and even pregnancy.
4. Certain Infections and Tumours:  Some tumours and infections related to the vertebrae can cause a back pain, although they are very rare. Osteomyelitis (a rare but chronic condition of the bones caused either by infection in the blood spreading to the bones or through open injuries, fractures or surgeries), chronic conditions likes diabetes might lead to this condition. Tumors which originated in the back due to cancer that got spread from other parts of the body.
5. Stress: The above mentioned are the physical causes. The one vital fact one should know is that stress (emotional) plays a major role to determine how intense the pain is and how long it can last. Stress makes the pain more severe and at times unbearable for the sufferer. Depression and anxiety if ignored and untreated can make the pain worse.
Insomnia (lack of quality sleep) also contributes to a back pain. Hope this post was helpful for you to know about the causes for a back pain. If I have missed out any other causes then do share them. Until then wait for my next post. Enjoy your weekend! Keep well!

07 February 2015

7 Tips to Help Ease Back Pain

Are you one of those suffering from a back pain? Back pain is a common ailment nowadays. Suffering from back pain since long time (a late MRI diagnosed my condition as Slipped Disc), my endless visit to the Physiotherapist for regular physiotherapy session use to make me feel as if I was forcing myself for the treatment half-heartedly. Being an inquisitive person I always have had an array of questions in my mind which would often drive the Physio crazy as I wanted to have an in-depth knowledge about my problem.
Tired of the endless TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) therapy, traction involved for almost 2 years, during one of these physiotherapy session, I asked the attending Physio, a lady in her late 30s for some simple tips which can be followed regularly beside the physiotherapy sessions. Following are 7 simple and easy tips to be followed on a regular basis, which might help those who are going through the trauma of a back pain:
1. Sitting Posture: Your sitting posture matters a lot, especially for those of you, who have to sit for long hours at work. Sit upright.  A good cushioned chair is ideal to avoid slumping and slouching forward. In case your chair isn't cushioned sit at the end of the chair. Slouch completely, drawing oneself completely, it is advisable to accentuate the curve of the back as far as possible. Hold on for few seconds in this position and release this position about 10 degrees.  

2. Stand, walk or stretch: Avoid sitting for long continuous hours in one place. Take few minutes break in between your work.  Stand or walk or even stretching for a minute or two in between can be beneficial. This might ease your back pain as the movement will help keep your muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments loose. This in turn will help you focus well in your work by making you feel relaxed and comfortable.
3.Sleep on your side or on your back: When sleeping try sleeping on the sides with your knees bent slightly (avoid drawing them close to the chest) or on your back with a lumbar roll underneath your back to maintain the curve of your back. Following are the correct sleeping positions:

4. Say no to high heeled shoes: Avoid wearing heels, skip those high heeled shoes. Wear comfortable and light weight footwear with good support.  It is advisable to consult an expert (preferably a Podiatrist) to select shoes appropriate for your condition as back ache can be of upper or lower back. In my case since I was advised to avoid flat shoes too.
5. Hot and cold compress: Hot and cold compress is also helpful in easing chronic back pain (I was recommended both, cold during the day time and hot at night to ease my back pain because of slipped disc, it has been beneficial for me).
 Note: Seek expert advice before trying this tip since I was advised for my Slipped Disc.
6.Carry lumbar support cushion when traveling: For those who love traveling or those who have to travel to their work place in a car. It is advisable to have a lumbar support cushion or soft cushion to support the lower back and avoid that back pain if traveling or driving for long hours.
7. Sit and bend when lifting objects: When lifting objects from the ground do not stoop or bend. Sit and bend at your knees rather than bending at the waist to lift any object.

         Note: It is advisable to consult your doctor before you follow these tips.

Hope these 7 tips will be helpful to manage and ease your back pain. However, a chronic back pain is incurable completely. If you have experienced a back pain in the past or of recent and have more tips apart from the ones I have shared, please do share them. Thanks for stopping by and reading this post.