19 February 2015

6 Food That Can Be Harmful for Your Skin With Excessive Intake

Ever heard the saying “You are what you eat”? Are you among those who prefer wearing anti-aging creams, skin nourishment creams, applying face pack rather than including a healthy diet? Remember! What goes inside your body plays an important role in keeping your skin healthy apart from your topical skin care regime. Eating the right food has a positive impact on your skin and including the wrong ones in your diet can have a negative impact on your skin.
Apart from alcohol, coffee, junk food, aerated drinks and artificially sweetened juices there are other food whose excessive intake or consumption can be harmful for your skin and can cause damage to your skin. Eager to know their names?. Then check out the list of 6 such food and the reason why too much of these food are harmful for your skin.
1. Salt: Too much of salt is bad and harmful to your heart, this is a well known fact. Are you aware of the fact that excessive salt can cause puffiness of eyes and facial bloating as well? If no, then it is time to reduce the salt intake.

2. Agave: Considered as a good alternative to sugar, this sweet syrup extracted from several types of agave plants has more fructose than fructose level in corn syrup. Fructose metabolized by your liver not only turns into fat but also breaks down collagen more efficiently than your regular table sugar. Thus avoid its excessive intake or consumption. Also experts said that switching to agave from regular sugar might make crow’s feet more prominent (image for crow's feet below).

3. Dairy: Another food which is harmful for your skin is dairy product. Not willing to accept this fact? Then get to know this piece of information. Over consumption or excessive intake of dairy products may increase acne and also cause increase in sebum (a substance that can cause clogged pore in many people). Dairy product can also form mucus in the body, which can cause inflammation of your skin and attract bacteria.

4. Margarine: Fats are essential for maintaining a healthy skin. But do you know this? Not all fats are good for your skin. Trans fats found in margarine very often may block hydration. According to a study in the” Journal of the American College of Nutrition”, higher intake of margarine causes more of skin wrinkling. This makes margarine a harmful food for your skin with its excessive intake.

5. Shellfish: Excessive intake of iodine rich food such as crab, shrimp, and lobster can also lead to the problem of acne. However, consumption of such food in normal level may not be a problem and will do no harm to your skin. Eating shellfish frequently and excessively is bad and harmful.

6. Rice Cakes: Once considered as the best way to reduce excessive body fat by health conscious women, it is now known that rice cakes can cause an increase to the blood sugar level in your body, which can also speed up wrinkle formation. Your body converts the simple carbohydrates present in the rice cakes to glucose like it does to sugar. Once metabolized, they stick to wrinkle-fighting protein like collagen and damage them, thus excessive intake of rice cakes too are harmful and bad for your skin.

After reading this post you might conclude that eating anything is harmful and more than that excessive intake of anything is bad for your skin, but the secret to a healthy and beautiful skin is to eat fresh and healthy food, and follow a balanced diet. Please feel free to share information on other unhealthy food that are harmful to your skin and over consumption of which should be avoided apart from the 6 food listed above. You can share your knowledge in the comment section below. Until my next post. Keep well!

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