07 February 2015

7 Tips to Help Ease Back Pain

Are you one of those suffering from a back pain? Back pain is a common ailment nowadays. Suffering from back pain since long time (a late MRI diagnosed my condition as Slipped Disc), my endless visit to the Physiotherapist for regular physiotherapy session use to make me feel as if I was forcing myself for the treatment half-heartedly. Being an inquisitive person I always have had an array of questions in my mind which would often drive the Physio crazy as I wanted to have an in-depth knowledge about my problem.
Tired of the endless TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) therapy, traction involved for almost 2 years, during one of these physiotherapy session, I asked the attending Physio, a lady in her late 30s for some simple tips which can be followed regularly beside the physiotherapy sessions. Following are 7 simple and easy tips to be followed on a regular basis, which might help those who are going through the trauma of a back pain:
1. Sitting Posture: Your sitting posture matters a lot, especially for those of you, who have to sit for long hours at work. Sit upright.  A good cushioned chair is ideal to avoid slumping and slouching forward. In case your chair isn't cushioned sit at the end of the chair. Slouch completely, drawing oneself completely, it is advisable to accentuate the curve of the back as far as possible. Hold on for few seconds in this position and release this position about 10 degrees.  

2. Stand, walk or stretch: Avoid sitting for long continuous hours in one place. Take few minutes break in between your work.  Stand or walk or even stretching for a minute or two in between can be beneficial. This might ease your back pain as the movement will help keep your muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments loose. This in turn will help you focus well in your work by making you feel relaxed and comfortable.
3.Sleep on your side or on your back: When sleeping try sleeping on the sides with your knees bent slightly (avoid drawing them close to the chest) or on your back with a lumbar roll underneath your back to maintain the curve of your back. Following are the correct sleeping positions:

4. Say no to high heeled shoes: Avoid wearing heels, skip those high heeled shoes. Wear comfortable and light weight footwear with good support.  It is advisable to consult an expert (preferably a Podiatrist) to select shoes appropriate for your condition as back ache can be of upper or lower back. In my case since I was advised to avoid flat shoes too.
5. Hot and cold compress: Hot and cold compress is also helpful in easing chronic back pain (I was recommended both, cold during the day time and hot at night to ease my back pain because of slipped disc, it has been beneficial for me).
 Note: Seek expert advice before trying this tip since I was advised for my Slipped Disc.
6.Carry lumbar support cushion when traveling: For those who love traveling or those who have to travel to their work place in a car. It is advisable to have a lumbar support cushion or soft cushion to support the lower back and avoid that back pain if traveling or driving for long hours.
7. Sit and bend when lifting objects: When lifting objects from the ground do not stoop or bend. Sit and bend at your knees rather than bending at the waist to lift any object.

         Note: It is advisable to consult your doctor before you follow these tips.

Hope these 7 tips will be helpful to manage and ease your back pain. However, a chronic back pain is incurable completely. If you have experienced a back pain in the past or of recent and have more tips apart from the ones I have shared, please do share them. Thanks for stopping by and reading this post.

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